Friday, July 25, 2008

Momma Dont Preach - Part 3

Hmmm , So after her Miraculous 2nd operation , Doctors had no other go but to remove her Uterus - which meant i wont have any siblings :( After all these , she again started goin for her job !! Well , the trouble started here ! A maid was put to look after me !! But this girl was A "Bi**ch" !! Think she was some kinda sadist !! I was just 5 or 6 then and this woman torchered me like anything ! I was not fed properly and not taken care of , plus got regular beatings in her hands ! I was sooo scared of her that i never told my mom or dad about it ! One fine day , My neighbour noticed what i was going through and complained to my mom !! Mom and dad fired her immediately ! Then they had a huge decision to take ! There were only 2 options - Either keep another maid in charge or my mom had to Resign her job ! Her salary was a plump one - afterall it was Central Govt ! Very few are lucky enough to get one !! But then she decided to choose the hard way !!

Many of her friends and family were against this decision - many asked her to leave me in a Boarding school ! But since i was to be her only child - she decided not to listen to others and so she Quit her job !! I should say - I had one of the best childhoods ever possible - although devoid of siblings !! Mom used to tell me stories each and everyday and till my 10th grade sat with me when i studied and taught me all that she could ! Although i grew up as some kind of a Nerdy Imbecile - i was proud of it !! :) I always stood First in my class and Topper at all levels !! I never needed a tutition or an extra coaching class ever in my life - thanks to her !!

Plus she always insisted that I was never-ever Idle - without doin something useful ! And this resulted in me goin for one class after another during my summer holidays !! I was able to finsh all my 8 exams in hindi due to her !! I started learning computers right from 5th grade !! Besides studies i also excelled in Scouting ! She also made me to excersie as i was a over-weight in those days !! But in the mean time - her health deteriorated as she started suffering from Hernia - thaks to "demons" from her previous two opearations ! So she had to go through 2 more Hernia opearations - one during my 5th grade and another during my 9th grade !! These made her terminally ill ! She cant sit on the ground even today !! :(

End of Part 3

Part 4 - The Finale !! Situation now - Distance between me n mom - Finding solutions !


ßrigida ∫chmidt © Copyright said...

Oh, this is sooo sad. I hope she can recover from it. Let's pray for Miracles. I know she's strong enough to handle this.

I couldn't wait for the next post. I have to research more about Hernia as I've never heard of it before.

All your friends are supporting you. That should be enough push for you to make your mom happy at least, depite of her bitter condition.

Miss Elle said...

sad really. but be strong... for her. and share that strength with her by the power of your care and love. :)

KC said...

Thanks for your support guys !! But hey , Nothin much to worry !! Hernia is pretty much common these days ! She can be like any other normal person - but only cant sit or sleep on the floor or bend down or get up as easily as we do !! Shes has got used to it through all these years !!

Mz. Common Sense said...

First things first...I admire your mother and I don't even know her!! She sounds like such a strong woman and a true inspiration to those around her. But now I REALLY know why she still thinks of u as her baby...

Second things second that babysitter sounds like a nightmare. You should find and haunt her joker-style...LOL!! Or at least pull a couple of Home Alone stunts. That would teach her a lesson ;)

Third things third, my my aren't we the intelligent bundle of joy!! Your accomplishments are impressive...and you're like, scary smart!! Wow!!